

Early Pioneer Books


There is a section of the book, "Warren - - Plains to Plenty" called "Tales Twice Told" that has the most delightful stories of the early days in Warren. Quite a number of local writers contributed stories and rememberances to this valuable book. The author I've enjoyed reading was Ella Peterson, who seemed to have rather a "tongue in check" look at life. Her visual walks around town showed us small town America at its best and also shared the pleasures of growing up in a rural community. I was espcially intrigued with the story of the bridges of Warren. Being a newcomer in the area, I see little evidence of many bridges or of a meandering coulee wending its way through town. Black top and concrete along with new buildings must be covering over what had to be a picturesque scene. Ella shares this,"I was told that the coulee was filled in by remains of the Taralseth Store fire and Mabel Youngdahl told me the kids used to pick up trinkets out of the debris. She still has a beautiful little blue vase she found there which she still has as a keepsake." When I read that I couldn't help but visualize a scene down the road sometime when a group of archaeologists might decide to use Warren for a "dig" to learn more about our present day life. What they find might be hard to explain.

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